All of us here at VEL and our families are well, no COVID-19, but we are all staying safe at home. We will alert everyone when we are open for in person meetings other than signing of documents, which we hold in the office following CDC and St. Louis County guidance. Meanwhile, please send any questions you may have to Kym Zeitler at [email protected] or Rick Vouga at or leave a phone message at 636-394-0009. Whether leaving a message in voice mail or sending an email, please include your full name, phone number, and email address. Kym and Rick will respond as soon as they are able. Kym will also be scheduling phone calls with those who ask for one. Stay safe!!
What Brought You Here Today?
I Want More Information On Estate Planning or Protecting My Assets
I want to choose who will make health care decisions and handle my finances if I can’t
Does a Will avoid Probate?
Do I want to avoid Probate?
I want to protect my assets and house against the devastating cost of nursing home care
Does my Revocable Living Trust protect my assets?
I want to make things easy for my family
I've Been Told I Should See An Elder Law Firm
Or I Have A Loved One With Health Or Memory Issues Who Needs Help, Or Will Soon
I don’t know how much longer my loved one can live alone.
My loved one was diagnosed with dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or other life limiting disease.
I want to get a Guardianship for my loved one.
My loved one doesn’t think they need help at home, but they do.
I’m worried my loved one will need nursing home care.
The assisted living facility says my loved one can’t live there anymore. What do I do?
The hospital says my loved one is being discharged but can’t go back to where they were living.
Rehab said my loved one will get kicked off Medicare in 2 days, but isn’t well enough to go home. What do I do?
I Have A Loved One With Special Needs
Should I disinherit my son or daughter with special needs?
How can I leave money to my grandchild (of other family member) with special needs?
Are there government benefits available for someone with special needs?
How do I financially provide for my child with special needs after I die?
I have a newborn with special needs. Where do I start?
I Recently Had A Loved One Pass Away
I don’t know if they had a Will. What do I do?
I found a Will. What do I do?
I found a Revocable Living Trust. What do I do?
How do I get the house, assets or car transferred to me?
I Don't Know
Help Me!
I don’t think my loved one should be driving.
I’m overwhelmed taking care of an aging loved one and don’t know where to start.
Is it a problem to pay a friend to care for my loved one?
I’m moving an aging loved one into my house. What do I need to know?
I want to start giving money to my kids every year.
Our Clients Say It Best
Get Your "Ducks In A Row" with Vouga Elder Law & Estate Planning!
It's Never Too Soon To Have A Plan In Place
Call TODAY at 636-394-0009, or use the link below, to set up a FREE, NO OBLIGATION conference!
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